Video Production

Video has the capability to perform as a trust-building machine for your business. 

At Colony Media Collective, we capture video with intention and strategy in mind. Videos are trust-building tools that enable your business to meet potential clients before they meet you face to face. Whether this happens on Google, on your website, or on a social media platform, it is imperative to establish a personal connection with your audience. This may mean sharing your value proposition, detailed information on your services, or sharing expertise to let others know you know your stuff.

With cell phones in every hand, consumers are connected to media now more than ever. It may seem daunting for a business to tackle this truth, and e-mailboxes are full of lead generation and ad-buying services, gumming up the actual possibilities to be had. The most important thing to remember is that authenticity is key today. Building the personal relationship, and allowing others to meet you before they actually meet you, can revolutionize a business and create new, long-lasting customer relationships.

Many different types of videos can be created to attract your audience and build trust, and odds are you’ll need to create a few of them to have a strong brand presence. Video options can include

  • Value Proposition Videos: What makes you different?
  • About Us Videos: What should we know about you?
  • Explainer Videos: What services do you provide?
  • Promotional Videos: Represent yourself professionally
  • Testimonial Videos: Let others do the talking for you
  • Events Videos: Share the fun or fundraiser!

Understanding your target audience is the first step in ensuring a video is effective. Very often, brands will create videos that look great but aren’t designed to entice the client to take action. Making a stunning image isn’t so difficult, but creating a video marketing tool is serious business.

Storytelling is another primary piece in video marketing strategy, as it is an effective way to engage with your audience and make an emotional connection with them. It can be used in videos to showcase your brand's values, culture, and mission. Nothing is more impactful than your story, so it MUST be shared.

Distribution Strategy is one of video production's most crucial yet often ignored aspects. As a marketing strategy-focused agency, we pride ourselves on goal-oriented approaches to content. This means creating the video to be placed in the correct spaces for the right reasons, not just creating a pretty image. Our holistic view of brand representation can go hand in hand with businesses that market through word of mouth and organic social media content, with the capability to expand reach through advertising efforts.

Measuring success through metrics like views, engagement, click-throughs, and conversions allows us to understand what works for your audience and what doesn’t. Attention to these details will enable us to refine video strategies and make deeper connections with your clients.